
Allgemeine Suche Zu fachlichen und technischen Hinweisen (Refers to: Benutzerhinweise)

Willkommen beim Zoll

Im Einsatz für Bürger, Wirtschaft und Sicherheit

General Search

List of individuals and organisations

Individuals and organisationsSanctions
ISIL (Da´esh) and Al-Qaida, and natural or legal persons, entities or bodies associated with themFinancial sanctions (the freezing of funds and economic resources, bans on the provision of resources)
Prohibition on supplying technical advice, assistance or training (related to military activities)
Ban on the acquisition of holdings (circumvention measures)
Taliban or associated persons, groups, businesses, or institutions in AfghanistanFinancial sanctions (the freezing of funds and economic resources, bans on the provision of resources)
Prohibition on supplying technical advice, assistance or training (related to armaments)
Ban on the acquisition of holdings (circumvention measures)
Other terror suspectsFinancial sanctions (the freezing of funds and economic resources, bans on the provision of resources and/or financial services)
Ban on the acquisition of holdings (circumvention measures)
Certain persons who are suspected of having been involved in the murder of the former Lebanese prime minister Rafik HaririFinancial sanctions (the freezing of funds and economic resources, bans on the provision of resources)
Ban on the acquisition of holdings (circumvention measures); Appendix I is not filled currently
Certain persons, entities and bodies engaged in the development and use of chemical weaponsFinancial sanctions (the freezing of funds and economic resources, bans on the provision of resources)
Ban on the acquisition of holdings (circumvention measures)
Prohibition of fulfilment
Cyber attacksFinancial sanctions (the freezing of funds and economic resources, bans on the provision of resources)
Ban on the acquisition of holdings (circumvention measures)
Prohibition of fulfilment
Serious human rights violations and abusesFinancial sanctions (the freezing of funds and economic resources, bans on the provision of resources)
Ban on the acquisition of holdings (circumvention measures)
Prohibition of fulfilment

The country-related embargo measures may also include restrictions directed against specific persons.

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